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Black Walnut Tincture 2oz $17 (Can be used to brush your teeth with for 2 months max (1-2x/day) or can be applied to sensitive areas for skin regeneration or any body part for skin and tissue regeneration including the scalp. Dr Chris back in the 50s used it on Jungle Rot on scalp and put a hefty amount of gauze on people heads and wrapped the gauze with a ton of waterproof med tape (costs nothing at walmart fyi) so that they could then leave a tiny spot on top of head and inject into the 1 inch thick amt of gauze that was wrapped onto head a bunch of the Black Walnut Tincture – the scalp would eat that black walnut tincture every 3 hours totally so more had to be injected into the gauze for about 2 weeks – it totally healed Jungle Rot and fixed their skin and scalp – it never returned - this stuff is soft enough to be placed onto to the MOST sensitive body parts FYI!)

Black Walnut Tincture 2 oz

Excluding Sales Tax
  • Black Walnut Tincture 2oz $17 (Can be used to brush your teeth with for 2 months max (1-2x/day) or can be applied to sensitive areas for skin regeneration or any body part for skin and tissue regeneration including the scalp. Dr Chris back in the 50s used it on Jungle Rot on scalp and put a hefty amount of gauze on people heads and wrapped the gauze with a ton of waterproof med tape (costs nothing at walmart fyi) so that they could then leave a tiny spot on top of head and inject into the 1 inch thick amt of gauze that was wrapped onto head a bunch of the Black Walnut Tincture – the scalp would eat that black walnut tincture every 3 hours totally so more had to be injected into the gauze for about 2 weeks – it totally healed Jungle Rot and fixed their skin and scalp – it never returned - this stuff is soft enough to be placed onto to the MOST sensitive body parts FYI!)

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