GlycoNutrient $80 (a very special supreme super nutrient – you take it in such a way 1 tsp 2x/day min – taken away from food and other things… say 1 hour after Methuselah and 30 min to 1 hour b4 bfast/// same for dinner – say 30 mins to 1 hour b4 dinner – it is LIVING FOOD SUPPLY FOR THE LIVER TO MASS PRODUCE STEM CELLS -- so that within about 4 months of taking this - a 4 TBL blood sample might yield 1 stem cell maybe even as much as 1000 stem cells – now yields in 4 months of taking this between 1 to 4 trillion stem cells - take this for about 3 ½ yrs and you will re-write you entire genetic genome from scratch so to speak…. Watch how deformed cells go back to normal starting around yr 2 to 2 ½ and so on… in mean time all the easy stuff like internal strength of red blood cells and mitochondria and internal tissues of internal organs start picking up massively – like those with days left to live are given new lease on life in about 3 days starting time!!! And so (that’s when taking mega amts like 1 tsp 10x/day b/c only 3 days left to live type example… )
GlycoNutrient $80 (a very special supreme super nutrient – you take it in such a way 1 tsp 2x/day min – taken away from food and other things… say 1 hour after Methuselah and 30 min to 1 hour b4 bfast/// same for dinner – say 30 mins to 1 hour b4 dinner – it is LIVING FOOD SUPPLY FOR THE LIVER TO MASS PRODUCE STEM CELLS -- so that within about 4 months of taking this - a 4 TBL blood sample might yield 1 stem cell maybe even as much as 1000 stem cells – now yields in 4 months of taking this between 1 to 4 trillion stem cells - take this for about 3 ½ yrs and you will re-write you entire genetic genome from scratch so to speak…. Watch how deformed cells go back to normal starting around yr 2 to 2 ½ and so on… in mean time all the easy stuff like internal strength of red blood cells and mitochondria and internal tissues of internal organs start picking up massively – like those with days left to live are given new lease on life in about 3 days starting time!!! And so (that’s when taking mega amts like 1 tsp 10x/day b/c only 3 days left to live type example… )