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Poppy Seed Protocol ($50) free take 2 TBL of poppy seeds and put them in a coffee grinder and turn them into powder and put powder into an empty coffee cup or tea mug or whatever… bring water to a boil and pour on top of the powder and stir few times – put on any lid like the bottom of the tea cup that holds the tea cup is fine and let steep for 30 mins – then stir one more time and while it’s still spinning drink down the whole thing QUICKLY (no honey or sugar) and drink allll the grinds down too… never do this at anytime EXCEPT when about to go to sleep!!! It MIGHT give you a headache as it’s cleaning out your brain ea day but headache should only last few hours and not be too bad and in a few days – it will feel so good up in your brain – NO headache at all will occur like miracle just pure WHOOOO - no probs anymore - mine took 5 days b4 it was “WHOOO” up in the brain - it has NOOO addictive qualities AT ALL and it will only be done for max of say 90 days to 120 days then stop it … somewhere around day 60 ish you will have all heavy metal nickel which impedes regrowth of broken back is removed so no internal scar tissue around the back bone so back bone heals up realllly fast at that point like in days ish …. ONCE ALL SCAR TISSUE IN BACK BONE IS GONE!!!! Yup yup….

Poppy Seed Protocol

Excluding Sales Tax
  • Poppy Seed Protocol ($50) free take 2 TBL of poppy seeds and put them in a coffee grinder and turn them into powder and put powder into an empty coffee cup or tea mug or whatever… bring water to a boil and pour on top of the powder and stir few times – put on any lid like the bottom of the tea cup that holds the tea cup is fine and let steep for 30 mins – then stir one more time and while it’s still spinning drink down the whole thing QUICKLY (no honey or sugar) and drink allll the grinds down too… never do this at anytime EXCEPT when about to go to sleep!!! It MIGHT give you a headache as it’s cleaning out your brain ea day but headache should only last few hours and not be too bad and in a few days – it will feel so good up in your brain – NO headache at all will occur like miracle just pure WHOOOO - no probs anymore - mine took 5 days b4 it was “WHOOO” up in the brain - it has NOOO addictive qualities AT ALL and it will only be done for max of say 90 days to 120 days then stop it … somewhere around day 60 ish you will have all heavy metal nickel which impedes regrowth of broken back is removed so no internal scar tissue around the back bone so back bone heals up realllly fast at that point like in days ish …. ONCE ALL SCAR TISSUE IN BACK BONE IS GONE!!!! Yup yup….

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